Are You Ready?

Housefire. Tornado. Car Accident. Heart Attack. 

There are many crises that can disrupt our lives. You can anticipate some disasters, but others show up unexpectedly.  The Personal Continuity Plan will help you Be Prepared.

Sign up for FREE Benefits Checklist!

Gain Peace of Mind

Get your critical info & important documents organized & protected

Protect Your Family

Prepare for potential disasters, develop strategies, gather supplies

Recover Quickly

When crises do happen, get back to normal life ASAP

Business Continuity vs. Personal Continuity 

Most businesses, organizations, and governments have "Continuity of Operations" plans. The goal is to make sure they continue operating during potential disasters. We believe individuals need the same approach with their own Personal Continuity Plan.  

It is YOUR Plan to Keep Life Going During Crises. 

The 3 Phases of Your PCP

There are 3 distinct phases of creating your Personal Continuity Plan. 

Phase 1 focuses on collecting and protecting your Critical Information and Important Documents. 

Phase 2 helps you anticipate potential disasters in your area, develop strategies to avoid or minimize risk, and gather essential supplies. 

Phase 3 guides you in how to maximize your Legacy and plan for the inevitable 'end-of-life' issues, decisions, and opportunities. 

Sign up for your FREE

"Personal Benefits" Checklist

The short guide will help you determine the value of being prepared. It includes a short interactive exercise and simple checklist to help identify your primary motivations to disaster preparations, such as protecting your family, saving time and money, gaining peace of mind, getting organized, etc.

Click here to get the PDF!